March 8th
Ellen has not been to well and after a setback in Kolkata has struggled through our trip. Maybe the tour has been too long. In Singapore she shows signs of more fatigue and I decide to cancel the rest of our tour (Cambodia, China and Hongkong) and return to the US
We fly back via Hongkong - 14 hours with a 13 hour time difference, in our favor! We come back to have our clocks put forward, so we loose an hour of the 13 gained!. Ellen is more comfortable at home, but we will check her out thoroughly. Health is an all consuming priority
Thanks for following us and your many comments. The most memorable events of our trip are all associated with the affection and kindness we received throughout our tour. We are truly blessed to have the quality of friends that we do. We are still in one piece and inshah allah hope stay that way for a while
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