We fly directly from NY to Beijing for a two week tour of China; then on to Hong Kong where we will meet our dear friend Phyllis Jones and her son Chris and his family; on to Perth, Australia - the main reason for our trip - to participate in the 8th International Anglo-Indian reunion.
I am addressing technical groups in Hong Kong and Perth. At Perth, I also get to present 'Anglo-Indian Poverty' about our CTR charity's work with the less fortunate in India and our publishing efforts on preserving Anglo-Indian culture for posterity (we will launch CTR's 6th book Women of Anglo-India. Tales and Memoirs )

On to Singapore to be with Ritu and Anil Mehrotra and to present a technical paper and then to Kolkata to meet up again with Phyllis Jones and check out the working of our charity CTR. Finally to Manchester via London, where our son, Julian, is getting married to Julie Brown, in the Ribble Valley, north of Manchester on Oct 23rd (seen here with our grandniece Olivia Rose and grandnephew Oscar)
We will, inshah allah, erect, stooped or limping, fly back to the USA on the 25th Oct. S
Here we are late last year, doing a little jiving
Do also send us a comment from time to time - it is a little disconcerting to be blogging to an empty blue yonder!